HP launched three new 14-inch Elitebooks at CES 2025, packed with powerful features and the latest Intel processors. The flagship HP Elitebook Ultra G1i stands out with its premium 3K OLED display, advanced 9MP webcam, and responsive haptic touchpad. The lineup expands with two Elitebook X models, including a versatile 360-degree convertible option.
Advanced Technology
These Elitebooks run on Intel’s Core Ultra 5 and 7 processors, making them great at handling AI tasks with speeds of up to 48 TOPS. You can choose between 16GB or 32GB RAM, along with storage options of 256GB or 512GB. Plus, all models are Copilot+ certified, so they’re built for smooth AI performance.
The Ultra G1i stands out with its top-notch display options. You can pick either a touch or non-touch version of the 14-inch OLED screen, both offering sharp 2,880 x 1,880 resolution. Weighing about 1.2 kg, it’s light and easy to carry around. It also delivers great sound quality with dual studio-grade microphones and four speakers.
Premium Features Across Models
The EliteBook X G1i and EliteBook X Flip G1i are designed to meet different user needs while keeping HP’s high standards. The Flip model can be used in multiple ways with its 360-degree hinge. Both models have LCD screens with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200, which can be upgraded to 2,560 x 1,600. They also come with 5MP webcams and the sturdy build you’d expect from HP’s business laptops.
The Flip model comes with touch support by default and works with the optional HP Rechargeable Active Pen, which you can buy separately for $99. The regular X G1i gives you the option to choose between a touch or non-touch screen, so you can pick what works best for your style.
HP hasn’t shared the pricing yet, but these devices show their focus on top-quality business laptops. If you’re at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, you can check out these new Elitebooks in person this week.
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